
Ubo Iconset: icone disegnate a mano per Ubuntu

Ubo Iconset è un bellissimo set di icone disegnate a mano dall’artista russo Max Orloff con una penna a sfera.

Ubo Iconset have been made by russian artist, and unlike some other iconsets which are made using professional graphics softwares like GIMP, these are completely hand made , using ballpoint pen and scanned, and colored later in GIMP, thus they appear bit rustic, crude, rough as compared to other iconset, but bring a breath of fresh air and uniqueness to the iconset available on Linux platform, additionally, it adds touch of humanness to the theme.

Ancora in versione alfa ma molto originale e promettente.

Può essere scaricato da qui: – ubo icons theme

via LINUX ON DESKTOP: Ubo Iconset : Ballpoint pen made, Handmade Iconset for Ubuntu.